Sharon Soliday is on a mission to help young people harness their limitless financial and entrepreneurial potential. All of her services are provided completely free. Focusing on financial education for young people facing challenging circumstances, she aims to break down barriers and help pave the way for them to succeed in business and personal finance. Whether she’s talking to large groups or doing one-on-one coaching, Sharon offers insights to equip kids and young adults with the knowledge and confidence they need. Ready to chase your dreams? Explore her services below and click here to start the conversation.
What Sharon Does
Personalized, one-on-one consultations providing an open space for young people, those who work with youth, and parents to ask questions and receive tailored guidance on fostering financial literacy and entrepreneurial skills.
Specially tailored sessions for educators, providing resources and strategies to incorporate practical financial education into the classroom environment.
Captivating talks where Sharon shares her entrepreneurial journey, personal challenges, and the power of resilience, inspiring audiences with real-world insights to fuel their own paths to success.
Brainstorming Sessions
Dynamic sessions designed to chat through ideas, unleash creativity and innovation, connect you with resources, and inspire participants to take their next steps.
Interactive Planning Workshops
Interactive workshops focused on equipping young people with tips and tricks on how to build their business plan, get funding, and get started in business with confidence and purpose.
Personalized sessions to chat through the logistics of becoming a business mentor and leverage her years of experience mentoring the next generation of leaders.
Bring Cradle to Credit to Life!
Bring author Sharon Soliday to speak with your classroom, youth group, or parent group about financial literacy and the money lessons kids (and adults) need.
Who Sharon Works With
The short answer is . . . everyone! If you or the youth you work with are interested in entrepreneurship, business ownership, or financial education, Sharon would love to chat with you.
Book Clubs
Entrepreneurial Groups
Small Business Owners
Business Classes
Community College Students
Middle/High School Classrooms
Special Education Classrooms
Scout Troops
After School Programs
Youth Groups
Summer Camps
. . . and more!
Sharon once had the odds stacked against her in small and big ways. She remembers those times and challenges and wants to encourage others to keep pushing forward. She believes that you can beat the odds.
Yes, it's really free to chat with Sharon. She holds open several 30 minute and 1 hour appointments every week (unless on vacation with her awesome husband) to connect with people interested in hearing her story and lessons learned.
Why? Why not! More folks who beat the odds should turn around and offer to help young people & entrepreneurs interested in overcoming the odds. The US thrives on the success of small businesses. Since the sale of her company, she has the time, interest and a strong history of motivating others.
Sharon can talk about a lot of different things. Her storytelling can capture:
Her story of the odds against her success and how she overcame them to build her company
Any topic in her book, Cradle to Credit
A Q&A session related to specific business topics
Age-specific financial education topics
Positive messaging on planning & organization
Motivation & inspiration
Her experiences with mentoring other young people
How to chase a dream
Her goal is to always provide motivation and inspiration through her personal stories. She's a dynamic speaker. She's most interested in knowing what your group is hoping to achieve when connecting with her.
On the Contact Page, of course!
Of course, fill out the form on the Contact page or email info@SharonSoliday.com and Sharon will do her best to answer your questions.