Why I Call My Help for Young Entrepreneurs Red Line Inspiration

That darn red line...red check marks, red cut off lines, red means stop. The whole world wants to tell you to stop. I don't believe you should stop. If you have a dream, a business idea, or are curious about a topic...don't stop. More importantly, don't listen to all the red line people creating artificial barriers for you.

I prefer to think of all those red lines that others impose on you as simply the starting line. It does not have to define an ending. Only you can decide that for yourself. Reframe everyone's expectations if they are busy drawing red lines all over your life. I did. And it made all the difference.

My video below describes what happened to me In 7th grade. Thank God I was arrogant enough to believe early on that the expectations others put on me were only a reflection of those people; not my actual potential. Little did I know the lessons I learned in the 7th grade were prepping me to run an empire and work with people down the road.

When you're the boss, never decide someone's potential in advance. Invest in employees. Don't confuse their current ability with their potential. Especially if they have, want, or crave a bigger dream.

My less than motivating school principal in 7th grade taught me that . . . what's the opposite of inspiration?

Join me as I start this new journey to provide help for young entrepreneurs for free by sharing my story and insight I've gained. And thank you for sharing the inspiration with others who may be sick of all the red lines others like to draw.


Young Entrepreneur: My First Business in 9th Grade


Why I Talk to People About Business & Want to Provide Motivation for Students